I'm sorry if all of a sudden I'll be revealing what I'm meaning to say since... since everything started.
This is one heck of a personal issue from me..
The truth is I'm sad.
I do get the 'best' grades I never had from before, experiencing things like having the highest grade in our section, having the best things in the world... But none of it seemed to make me happy for a long time. YES it made me happy and feel blessed but something is just quite wrong..
I feel like I'm having LUCK go with me all the time especially in my career. BUT I'm lost. And I'm unlucky with the love stuff (As of now)
He's been ignoring me and thinking that every time is a "Joke time."
Previous happening:
I was like, "OMG!" People liked the story that I posted and I can't help but be happy and smile like I'm in love with someone. (It's true, really) I REALLY AM HAPPY. That I can't explain it in words.. And that's true. But sometimes, I feel empty. *Sigh* Poor Musume.
"Why am I even writing this?" That's the question I'm asking myself. This is not my usual self. I'd rather go out and be happy, smiling nonstop and feel good inside and out. But when I'm all alone, why do I feel like something's wrong?
This'll be the last. That's what I've decided. Because I'll keep myself busy with doing things I love: writing stories, reading fanfics of other people, talking to Natsu Xia on the phone and communicate with my friends from around the world.
It would be fun if your friends surrounds you all the time... But sometimes, they really won't have the time for you that you just have to be patient until someone shows up and make you happy.
I KNOW RIGHT! I don't even know where I'm heading now.... HAHA. And since I worte everything that I felt, I feel like the burden's gone and I'm a bit free. Thanks blogspot. I'm happy you were created ;)